HZ-14HV Thermoelectric Module (80% Power) – Temporarily Out of Stock


THE HZ-14HV THERMOELECTRIC MODULE (Temporarily Out of Stock)


The HZ-14HV (Outputs more power than the HZ-14 module) module consists of 49 thermocouples arranged electrically in series and thermally in parallel. The thermocouples consists of Bridgman Cast, Bismuth Telluride based, semiconductors to give the highest efficiency at most waste heat temperatures as well as high strength capable of enduring rugged applications. The bonded metal conductors enable the HZ-14 module to operate continuously at temperatures as high as 250°C (480F) and intermittently as high as 400°C (750F) without degrading the module.

Thermal Grease (20 Grams)

HZ-14 Ceramic Wafer-M